Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My job is interesting to me. I love it, but I dislike it at the same time.

I love it because I am really good at it. Sometimes they even cheer for me when I get in for the morning. I get pats on the back and congrats all the time from my bosses. It's great. I love it because the people are SO nice. I work with Sarah, which is already a plus, but then the others are really nice too (even though I'm sure they hate me by now...). I love it because I am making a lot of money since I'm good at it.

I dislike it because now I am expected to do amazingly well every day since they know it's possible now. I dislike it because now they're sending me the worst people on the hardest lists and expect the same results. Fortunately I have still been able to do it, but I worry that I will lose the touch someday and then I'll feel bad. I think I worry too much.

So it evens out. And so far even the bad things are kinda good. I've been working on this list this week that has lasted a couple days, and they keep sending me more lists! If they send me one once a day, I won't be done with these names for like 5 years. I'm one person! I got sent a list for Texas today that had 330 names on it! I usually call about 80 people on a good day. And that's when I get message machines for about 2/3 of them. I decided I don't want to do the math right now. I just hope they don't send me another one tomorrow :)

But it's good. I am prospering and I will be able to pay for school! Three cheers for financial security! Woot woot woot!


Rica said...

Pretty soon you'll start hearing the ringing of a phone wherever you go...

And I'm glad you're so happy there! Being exceptionally good at work is always a mixed blessing.

Becca said...

Now that you're bored at work sometimes, you should blog more!