Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wow More!

Now I thought to even things out a little, I would put up the things that I am grateful for. The things I live for and the reasons I am all right at the end of every day.

1. Heavenly Father. I have never had to doubt His existence nor his love for me. Needless to say, I have been frustrated with what I have had to accept from Him, but my faith never wavered. I have always known He means the best for me. His guidance leads me in everything.

2. New friends. Without the friends I have made this new semester, I know I would not be as happy as I am now. I was at such a low point, I needed anyone to turn it around. Someone who could come in with no judgment. I got that and much much more!

3. Old friends. Even now that I have changed and become my own person, I can be sure that my old friends will be there for me. Even if I am not the person they used to know, they are supportive of me and they love me unconditionally.

4. Blessings. Having to deal with not having an LDS family while at BYU is really hard for me sometimes. Especially when I want so badly for my family to see how amazing the church is and how much it affects my life now. I keep thinking they will see, but I can never tell what they truly feel about it. When I think about blessings, I realize that one day I will be able to receive one from my Dad. I don't know how long it will be or even if it will be in this life, but I know that someday he will be able to hold the authority to give me a blessing. Knowing this makes me feel so amazing.

5. Music. Sometimes I listen to the radio. Sometimes it's Rascal Flatts. Sometimes it's Goo Goo Dolls. Sometimes it's Metallica (that's pretty rare, but you know those times...). Sometimes I throw in a little Colin Raye to honky tonk it up (I'll admit I actually have some of him in my library). Those are fun moments.

6. Love. As much as I resent it at the same time, I just want to say that I truly am grateful for love. If anything, I am grateful for the memories of love in my life.

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