Thursday, January 31, 2008


So I guess I have officially been snubbed by everyone I knew. I didn't think those I was acquainted with would "choose" so easily. I suppose I should have known I would have to deal with this eventually, but I didn't think it would truly be this bad. On one hand, I am a very understanding person who cannot help but see the perspectives of those who are doing this to me. On the other hand, I know I would not deal with it the same way. When I have to choose whether to really hurt someone or not, why would I ever do the first? I guess should be used to things like this...I've dealt with this situation my entire life. No one looks at life the same way I do. I see it as a constant opportunity to help someone else. To trust, to love, to serve. When I see even a glimpse of that in others, I get so hopeful...Only to get that hope torn away from me and stomped into the ground. I've come to the conclusion that people will always choose sides. It's human nature. I've met very few people who will even come close to trying to fight that. There has been only one person in my life I've met who I thought could see the world through my eyes. One person who even if the worst happened could fight the odds and not worry about what the world thought. Unfortunately for my heart, that person failed to overcome the world just like everyone else. Someday there will be someone who can see what I see. Someday I will have friends who won't choose the world over me. Someday I will be truly happy and not have to worry about everyone hurting me over and over again. Someday there will be no worries. No unhappiness. No stress. No betrayal. I know that someday my feeble heart will be held carefully and not thrown around like a dog's playtoy. I still have hope. A hope that the little I have left can be worth something in the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand you, and see the world through you're eyes.