Monday, February 25, 2008


I decided that for my post today, I would share with you some funny comics I found. They made me happy. You should be happy too.

I thought this one was funny just because we were talking about that program just the other day. Ahhh....good times.

I don't know if you can read that one, but it's really funny. I do that all the time.

Hahahaha....I don't know why this made me laugh so much. I'm probably just immature.

That one is funny just because I've done the mentos and coke thing a lot. It's dear to my heart :)

I really want to try that now...this made me think we should all come up with a ridiculous presentation, walk into a class and try to show it. And we'll constantly say that phrase.


BAHAHAHA!! I love it!

Well, I hope that brightened your day a bit! Have fun and keep laughing!

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