You know that point where you have held in so much that the tiniest thing pushes you over the edge? Well, that happened to me on Wednesday. I had no idea it was coming; I didn't even know I was that stressed!
Well here's the story: I had to get my birth certificate sent to me from my Dad (he has it in a safe at my home) so my work could see it to prove I'm not illegal. Yeah, because I look illegal right? So I tried to ask him to send it over night because the lady wanted it in 2 days or she would fire me. He said it would cost over 16 dollars so I told him to fax it to me and see what would happen. I picked it up at the Info desk, laughed at my misspelled name, and went home. The next day, I brought in the copy to show the HR lady and the second she saw it she said it wouldn't work and she needed the original. Little did she know, I had spoken with Human Resources who said they should have been able to accept a copy (I found that they were wrong). When I tried to explain this to her I immediately started crying! I couldn't stop it because I had no idea it was coming, It's like standing peacefully on a beach when the Tsunami comes. I realized after the HR lady asked if I was ok that there were a lot of things wrong. I just hadn't sat myself down and really considered everything I was dealing with.
If I Start lesser to greater:
1) I have been having very very bad migraines that are literally making me throw up from the nausea they cause. I have missed a day and a half of work because of this. I think that's a little serious in itself, but alas, it's on the bottom.
2) All of my friends have moved on from me. This was a natural reaction to the serious relationship I was in, but it just wasn't the best thing when I needed to come back. As much as I understand why we aren't as close of friends anymore, it's still hard to accept that I am such a different person and that I need to organize my new life.
3) My dearest and longest friend is moving to Guatemala and I won't see her for a year.
4) My best friend is moving far away from me and I'm afraid I won't see him and I have been getting very upset lately every time I realize that he won't be in the same ward anymore.
5) I might have a disease that could make me really reconsider some things in life. I am very afraid of the tests. I need resolution on this issue at least to where I know how to fix it.
6) I need to find a place to live where I will be living with people I don't know in a ward full of people I have never met in my life.
7) My family. Enough said.
8) There is one main thing though. Unfortunately for everyone reading, I have chosen not to share this most important yet most stressful part of my life. I have approximated that it causes about 65% of my stress. If you can believe anything could be more stressful than the aforementioned things.
Life gets better, and stress moves around. Things will be all right in the end Janae.
Just look at your birth certificate and its misspellings and laugh. =)
apbsjstv (that's my word verification code. Try saying it. It may make you laugh again.)
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